Every era where civilization has flourished, a unique and defined style emerges that embodies the beliefs sustained within the vocabulary of each culture’s specific locale and meaning. Egyptians whose worshiping of Sun Gods manifested in their attire as well as structures that praised the Pharaohs or Gods in the form of animals, while Greeks and Romans worshiped multiple gods whose manifestations took on a more human form which appeared on tablets, clothing and buildings. Architecture has had a close tie with Fashion over the millennia each supporting and each emulating the other. in our Modern day attire, we praise the simple modern, we mimic the messages we receive from mass media and walk about showing that we are with it, and living in homes and working in office buildings showing off our ability to tap into the mystical or theoretical with little need to praise a god or Pharaoh. Today we strive to stand our while we blend in our collective ideas to manifest individuality as an expression of self while at the same time formalizing the language that we speak today in order that our ideas become communicative through channeled visualization. The clothing we wear demonstrates our ability to pursue an identity in the same ilk as the buildings we design. This presentation was delivered to an audience of architects and students during our local chapter AIA yearly conference in Syracuse, NY at Syracuse University School of Architecture auditorium.
Fashion & Architecture, An AIA Lecture on Style