Timber Grows Up

Timber Grows Up

Great article on the mass timber movement here in the United States. “Timber Grows Up“. So refreshing to see our resources being put to good use. Management of forestry is key, and important factor in contributing to the growth of this specialized sector of our profession. Architects tend to shy away from anything too risky, but since banks are willing to loan on this technology, wood being readily available and more companies such as StructurCraft and Seagate expand into the US market, it’s expected to see more construction in mass timber.

StructureCraft in Des Moines Iowa

StructureCraft in Des Moines Iowa

A new four story commercial project in Des Moines, Iowa uses dowel-laminated timber (DLT) designed by Newmann Monson Architects, http://neumannmonson.com. This newly completed Type-A office building uses an advanced form of timber joinery once common in the US but out of favor as concrete and steel became the dominant material of use. Today dowel-laminated timber is making a comeback in commercial construction through the use of cross laminated timber, nail laminated timber, mass plywood timber and a host of other inventive ways wood can be structurally sound, meet today’s stringent fire codes and provide a sense of warmth and elegance to a design.

ICC expands Type IV to allow taller mass timber structures

ICC expands Type IV to allow taller mass timber structures

You need to be either in a state that will or has already adopted the language to the new 2021 Building Code, or prove the safety of the building, which is darn near impossible if you intend to go up over 8 stories. Many states are expected to adopt this language over the next few years. In Canada and much of Europe, mass timber construction has been gaining popularity over the past twenty years. Here in the US, we are just seeing the surge of construction that incorporates mass timber as prime components of the structure. Better late than never.