Anthony M. Catsimatides, Architect
As founder and principal of Open Atelier Architects, a New York-based architecture, planning and design firm, I take an innovative research approach towards the investigation of critical issues in the built environment.
For the past 40 years I have worked with many architecture & technology firms designing energy conscious buildings for a variety of commercial and residential project types, including large-scale government centers, mixed-used commercial, retail, academic and institutional work, art galleries, high tech office buildings, multi-family developments to single family custom high end homes. I even spent time as a full time employee of the idustry standard Autodesk Inc. as user interface designs and software analysist for AutoCAD and related products, while living in San Rafael, CA in the early 1990’s. Most recently my work has included urban scale projects that take into consideration the impacts that the historic buildings can have on the vitality and vibrancy of a community. Through good design and restoration with a respect for tradition and a look toward the latest tech and design trends. I am most interested in architectural design and technology which help lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, I have published on such topics as double skin glass facade and mass timber high rise buildings and apply my knowledge to every scale of project I design
I received my Bachelor of Architecture degree from Pratt Institute and my Masters of Architecture degree from Syracuse University. I have published several articles on architecture and technology that have appeared in numerous trade and online publications.
I began my architectural studies in my early high school days in The Bronx and have continued exploring and learning ever since. I love what I do and I am fortunate enough to have met great clients over the years and been able to design some really great projects with them.
I consider myself a socially responsible and environmentally sensitive designer. Sustainability and high caliber of good design has been a priority throughout my entire career. I begin with the premise that understanding the human condition and environmental considerations inform our designs and enhance our ability to live better lives.
Contact me @ (315) 825 – 5540


Design Approach
Custom Homes & Commercial Designs
Mass Timber Technology | Building Envelope Design
Energy Conscious Design | Sustainable Building Design
Architectural Visualizations | Human Comfort Analysis
Architecture affects more than those who commission it. Architecture is one of the more public arts, the mother of all arts as it has sometimes been called. In more cases than not a work of architecture is on display for anyone to experience, at least from the outside. Interiors are often the realm of the private, but even then it is experienced by many. Years after a commission is completed, architecture is on display, thus, it is an architect’s goal to achieve the best possible outcome that may be experienced for generations beyond its initial client program. How we experience architecture as users is personal, but how we design architecture as designers must address a multitude of perspectives, including the unexpected users and the potential for future generation’s experience. Though many buildings go through a myriad of renovations over time, the overarching idea of the initial design is usually present and may still be experienced in some form or another.
Sustainability and Green Design is a primary concern of my ideology in design. There are so many opportunities in green design that options abound in selection of material, location, situation, product development and design implementation. Energy efficient design is in the owner’s best interest, as well as the greater common good. As global warming becomes a greater threat to our survival, it is within our realm to address how we design buildings in order to be in compliment with the evolutionary path that we establish, including our immediate surroundings on a local scale to the overall health of our planet. The Earth is our home, just as national, state, or local borders are human a construct, so are the cities, suburbs and communities we live in. The Industrial Revolution changed the face and the conditions of life on earth, and not always in the best interest of the common good. That being the elevation of our intellect to be incorportaed with our neighbors, and that of the natural realm.